
  • 1872年東京 日本橋

  • 1933年東京 日本橋

  • 1946年東京 日本橋

  • 2017年東京 日本橋

  • 1872年8月〜10月北京 前門

  • 現在北京 前門

  • 1949年前後北京 前門

  • 1930年代北京 前門

  • 1895年台北 衡陽路

  • 1930年代台北 衡陽路

  • 1960年代台北 衡陽路

  • 現在台北 衡陽路

  • 1904年ソウル 南大門

  • 2006年ソウル 南大門

  • 1950年ソウル 南大門

  • 1940年代初ソウル 南大門

「グローバルヒストリーと マルティラテラリズム」国際会議開催のお知らせ(2019年11月25−26日)


 Global History and Multilateralism, 25 -26 November 2019 at Waseda University

Day 1: Roundtables on Global History and Multilateralism

At Room 206, Building 7, Waseda University

13:00 – 15:00   Roundtable 1 : The Perspectives of Global History

Moderator: KOYAMA Shukuko (Waseda University)

Glenda Sluga (Sydney University)

Does the history of multilateralism matter?

Ralph Weber (University of Basel)

Multilateralism with Chinese Characteristics: Towards “A New Type of Great Power Relations”

TOMARU Junko (Waseda University)

The foundation of UNESCO and Multilateralisms: the UK, the US, and the governments in exile, 1942-1946

SHIBASAKI Atsushi (Komazawa University)

Japanese Global History or Global Japanese History?: Perspective from the theory of International Cultural Relations


15:00 – 15:30 Coffee Break


15:30 – 17:30  Roundtable 2 :  The Challenge of Multilateralism, or Multilateralism under Challenge?

Moderator: TANAKA Takahiko (Waseda University)

Madeleine Herren-Oesch (University of Basel)

Globalization and 19th century multilateralism: mismatch or convergence for the 21st century international system?

UMEMORI Naoyuki (Waseda University)

Multilateralism and Greater East Asian Co-prosperity Sphere: An Epistemological




Cornelia Knab (University of Basel)

Global disease history and multilateralism: changing paradigms


MOGAMI Toshiki (Waseda University)

A multilateralistic turn?: Not a ‘neutral’ notion named multilateralism


18.00   Greetings: Yoshikazu Kawagisi (Dean, School of Political Science and Economics)


Day 2: Open Lectures

at Conference room 1, International Conference Center, Waseda Universiyy

  1. 13:00 – 14:30

Ralph Weber  “The Chinese New Silk Road and the Soft Power of Connectivity”

Glenda Sluga  “What do historians study when they study international politics? — Gender and race in IR”


  1. 14:45 – 16:45

Cornelia Knab “Global circulations and international interventions: infectious disease control in historical perspective”

Madeleine Herren  “Public International Unions: the first generation of IGOs?”